Paper towns
Paper towns

paper towns

She comes off as spoiled and a bit shallow, but very, very loyal to her friends and ultimately glad to be friends with Q, Ben and Radar. He then lets her, and the dream of her, go. Though a big part of Q's journey is realising that she's a real person who isn't responsible for him and has her own problems and fears. Still, even as a bit of a deconstruction, she did re-enter Q's life with the express purpose of making him more interesting and life-seizing. It’s what people expect of her at this point and she feels if she doesn't behave in such a zany way, people will hurt her or grow bored of her.

paper towns

She was a girl." Her Stepford Smiler aspects come from the fact that she has to be this. Except she's a Deconstruction, since a key point is Q's realization that "She was not an adventure. Manic Pixie Dream Girl: Margo, at first.Lonely at the Top: At the end, Margo confesses to Q that she wishes she'd have stayed with his geeky crowd instead of becoming popular, because at least his friends are loyal.Literal Metaphor: Margo leaves a clue by highlighting a line from Walt Whitman's "Song of Myself": "Unscrew the locks from the doors! Unscrew the doors themselves from their jambs!" The gang considers various metaphorical meanings, but the actual clue meant that there was another clue hidden inside one of Q's door hinges.Radar (and presumably his parents) are black, but Radar is understandably hesitant to bring his girlfriend over to meet his parents and see his house. Kitsch Collection: Radar's parents have the world's largest collection of black Santas.Whether she actually wanted to be found is another matter entirely.

paper towns

I Will Find You: Q to Margo, after her disappearance he devotes a good portion of his life to finding her.Hidden Depths: This whole film was about making an effort to get to really know someone as liking them only as something more than they are will not lead to a strong relationship.Fanservice: Both Margo and Lacey get to wear some low-cut tops, with the former in an Absolute Cleavage dress during Q's fantasy of her.Disproportionate Retribution: Margo's revenge on Lacey, especially considering the reason for her revenge turned out to be baseless.Demoted to Extra: Gus, the security guard's role as a Urban Explorer is cut leaving his role in the film to just a quick scene.

Paper towns